Join us for a brief 20-minute press conference with local residents, coalition partners, and ‘No Build’ activists to celebrate our historic win and hear from local leaders what FDOT’s “Pause” and study concluding “no viable proposed corridors” means. Learn more here or at our Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/2sw4JKlP6
McPherson Governmental Campus Auditorium–outside the County Commission Building in the lawn on the side of the building.
601 SE 25th Ave. Ocala, Florida 34471
If you are planning to attend, please arrive around 9:00 AM. The press conference will start at 9:30 AM sharp. More details can be found here in the media advisory.
IMPORTANT UPDATE AND BACKGROUND: On August 4th, FDOT announced that they would be ‘pausing’ the Northern Turnpike Extension after the Florida Turnpike Enterprise Alternative Corridor Evaluation Study Concluded with no Viable Proposed Corridors.
- Please read our response and press release. The devil is in the details and frankly, there aren’t many. As a Coalition, we still have many questions. One thing is certain: this project is not ‘dead’. Until FDOT makes its position crystal clear, we will remain vigilant and involved.
- One thing is certain: this ‘pause,’ whatever it may mean, is directly related to the mobilization of the Citrus, Levy, Marion and Sumter county voters who dared to refuse to take ‘toll’ for an answer, and the adoption of ‘No Build’ resolutions across the four-county study area.
- To date (8/5/22) the following communities have adopted “No Build” resolutions: the Levy Board of County Commission, Citrus Board of County Commission, Dunnellon City Council, Inverness City Council, Inglis Town Commission, Yankeetown Council, and Bronson Town Council
A “pause” is great news, but a “full stop” is what we are all fighting for. That means we must take advantage of our success thus far in order to get us to the finish line.
The bad news is that FDOT said it will “continue to refine and develop viable corridor concepts for this area.”
The VERY BEST NEWS that came directly from the FDOT “pause” announcement was:
- “Based on feedback received from across the four-county study area, significant concerns were identified with portions of all four initially proposed corridors. The Department deeply values community input and is committed to thoroughly exploring all concerns received during this process.”
If your community doesn’t appear on here, then that means you need to engage them so that they pass a “No Build” resolution against the Northern Turnpike Extension. We are here to help. Email michael.mcgrath@sierraclub.org for assistance and to talk strategy. Check out our “No Build” resolution resource page for more information including a draft “No Build” resolution that you can modify and fill in the blanks for your community.
Need contact information for your local City Council or to know when they meet next? See below for information county by county.
Citrus Resources
Levy Resources
Marion Resources
Sumter Resources

OTHER GREAT NEWS that FDOT’s “pause” announcement made clear was:
- Marion and Sumter commissioners can no longer claim that passing a “No Build” resolution will hurt their relationship with FDOT, or keep them from the planning table! FDOT said in black and white:
- “FDOT appreciates all the input and efforts from the local communities, government partners, and stakeholders.”
- “[FDOT] will not pursue the project any further until options can be reassessed to address concerns of the Department and the community.”
- “The Department deeply values community input and is committed to thoroughly exploring all concerns received during this process.”
- The “no viable proposed corridors” announcement should also make it easier for Marion, Sumter, and the missing municipalities, to pass their own resolutions.
Use these new talking points in Marion, Sumter and everywhere without a “No Build” resolution:
- The County (or city) must pass a “No Build” resolution that opposes the previous four alternatives AND any new routes through our county (or city)
- Commissioners/city council members can no longer claim that passing a “No Build” resolution will hurt their relationship with FDOT.
- The best input the local government can send to FDOT is a crystal clear one: “No Build” to any and all routes that would negatively impact our community.
- FDOT’s Northern Turnpike Extension Arc GIS tool: FDOT’s ETDM (Efficient Transportation Decision Making) website now has info on the Northern Turnpike Extension for Marion, Sumter, and Levy counties showing proposed routes which (no surprise to us) ignore the M-CORES Task Force recommendations. Take the same link to get to the map/routes (on the left side of the screen look for “view of map” under “Project Detail.”
Maps, Factsheets, & Materials
- Check out this video of “no Build” activists in action if you missed it in December (it is inspiring).
- Factsheets and talking points can be accessed here.
- If you are looking for a New Year’s Resolution, try organizing to pass a “No Build” resolution locally with your County Commission/City Council/Transportation Planning Organization/Metropolitan Planning Organization/Chamber of Commerce! 2022 is the year to cut the asphalt in your life out! Use this draft resolution to get started!
- Want a pink “Rural FL Says No Toll Roads” yard sign? Place your order today!
- Proposed route map
- NTE threats to Rainbow Springs
- Comment submission to FDOT is OPEN! Go here to submit a comment, see the current project process schedule, and more.
- Go here for environmental info from FDOT.
Materials from non-NRTR partners:
Northern Turnpike Corridor Citizen Primer (1000 Friends of Florida)
Northern Turnpike Corridor Natural Resources (1000 Friends of Florida)
Defenders of Wildlife GIS Map of Northern Turnpike Alternatives
For those up for a dense read: Transportation Planning in Florida (1000 Friends of Florida)
Keep those activists in action photos coming! Send what you can share to info@noroadstoruin.org.
Is your home or property in the pathway? Want to elevate your story on social media? Email your story to info@noroadstoruin.org (with some photos that capture it) and we will get it scheduled to be posted to social media. Help us share the stories of your land, legacy, and why they need to be protected.
You say kick off we say kick out!
You say kick off we say shut down!
Time to punt the NTE, FDOT!
Have a handout out or other materials you’d like to share? Send it our way and we will distribute it. Email us at info@noroadstoruin.org